
Thursday, June 21, 2012

#3, 5 & 7 BITE THE DUST!!! :)

Oh yeah, baby!  The table runner (#3 on my list) for my mom is FInIshED and I am SO happy :) is SUPER cute.... so get ready :)

I pieced up the back for fun :) 

This table runner is REALLY big.  I can't find my measuring tape so I don't know exactly how big it is.  I'm guessing about 18"x64".  I can't wait to give it to her Saturday morning :)

#5 on my list this week was to volunteer yesterday at the Peteetneet Quilt show.... and while I was there, I finished #7, cut out the mystery quilt :)  I was able to cut out three quilts while I was there :)
So, if I can get the skirts sewn before church on Sunday, I will have completed my list for this week :) that safe?  Should I really finish my WHOLE to do list?  It might be bad karma to do that...  What do you think?

I am going to be linking this up with Elizabeth and SHOW OFF FRIDAY over at a Pieceful Life :), Sew & Tell Friday with AmyLouWho and Sarah over at The Fabric Addict for CAN I GET A WHOOP WHOOP???

June Finishes


  1. This is really pretty. I'm sure your mom will love it!

    1. Thanks, Kat :) I hope she does! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  2. Lovely fabric choices--this is a beauty!!

    1. You are so sweet :) I pulled the fabric from my moms stash...she should love it ;)

  3. Very pretty. I love the granny squares. I am sure your mom will love it.

    1. Thank you, Karen :) I cant wait to give it to her!

  4. Oh. Your table runner is so cute. Your mom will love it. I would love to make one similar for my new antique table in the future.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! My mom has an antique French farm table too. Your new antique table needs one ;) It will be beautiful!

  5. What a pretty runner! She will love it!!

  6. The table runner is quite lovely :)

  7. The table runner is beautiful. What a lovely gift to give your mom. I'm sure she will be delighted.

  8. It is gorgeous---she is one lucky Mom. :)

  9. First of all, it's never bad luck to finish your whole to-do list!! And it's a beautiful table runner - you have a lucky mom! Whoop whoop!!

  10. I love that table runner! It is so bright and cheerful! Those are some really great fabrics for granny squares. Nicely done! Thanks for linking up!

    xo -E


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