
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!!! .... another finished quilt :)

I hope all of the dad's out there are having a special day today.  We made Scotch Eggs and hash browns for my sweet hubby today.  I am really blessed to have married a man who is such a wonderful father :)  I am also so blessed to have such an amazing dad myself.  My dad ROCKS!!  ...and because he is so cool, I made him a very special present :)  It was my dad's birthday a few days ago and so this quilt is doing double duty.
My dad is is major genealogy buff, so I thought civil war fabrics would be perfect for him :)
Here are the pictures :)

Several months ago, I brought a quilt that I had just finished over to my parents house.  It was the pink fairy toile quilt with grey minky on the back.  My dad sat there all afternoon with the blanket on him.  He requested a blanket with minky on the back.  He liked how cozy it was and how it didn't "slide" off of him ;D

I did a scrappy binding of small pieces of random civil war prints that I had in my stash.

This is my favorite star :)

I sure hope he likes it.  I do. My husband does.  My girls don't :(

I am going to be linking this up with Elizabeth and SHOW OFF FRIDAY over at a Pieceful Life :),  Sew Many Ways Find a Friend Friday and Sarah over at The Fabric Addict for CAN I GET A WHOOP WHOOP???
June Finishes


  1. Wow! It turned out fabulously!! He will LOVE it! I'm certain!

  2. What a very special quilt for your dad. He is going to love.

  3. I am sure he loves it, it s beautiful!

  4. What an awesome quilt! I know this one is cherished.

  5. What a great quilt. I love stars and in the yellow it's just wonderful. The stars in the sashing really sets it off. Beautiful.

  6. Wow, it looks even better than I expected! I love that you put sashing and those little "empty" stars in the corners, they make the whole quilt tinkle! WHOOP WHOOP to you! :)

    1. Thank you, Kati! I am so happy with it :) April gave me the idea for the flying geese sashing ends. You are right, they make it sparkle ;)

  7. Those are great stars and I love your choice of fabric. What a nice gift for your father.

  8. Lovely quilt! I love the yellow background--it's so unique and it just fits this quilt to a T.

  9. That is an amazing quilt! I'm so glad you showed close-ups of all of the stars. #12 is my favorite. I love the background fabric you picked and that blue minkey back is awesome. I hope your dad loved it. Congratulations on a great finish and thank you for linking up!

    xo -E

  10. Love the quilt! The civil war fabrics are perfect. Is there a specific pattern you used? I would love to make one!

    1. Hi :) thank you so much :) I made up the pattern but I used the quilt in a day small flying geese ruler to make the stars in stars. In an earlier post I have a link to the sashing stars. I'll be doing a tutorial on how to make the stars in stars in the next few weeks :) please email me if you have any questions :)


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