
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Church Ladies Quilt Retreat

Oh baby, did we have fun at our quilt retreat this past Friday and Saturday.  April, Sue and I took off Friday morning for a quilt shop tour of Utah County.  It was fun to go to a few stores that I have never been to before :)  I was so good!!!  I only bought some batting and self striping yarn that was on clearance :)  We had lunch at Costa Vida (YUMM) and then headed over to the church about 3-ish :)

For fun, I made some cute pin cushions for all of the ladies.  I copied HaleyJo :)



At the retreat I worked the WHOLE time on my nephew's Surf Shop quilt.  I was able to finish all of the blocks and get them sewn together :)

I still have borders to add, but I am SO happy that I was able to do this much.  There are 24 different surf boards that make up the top.  I hope to get this bad boy finished and shipped off to California by Friday.  I was hoping to have the whole thing finished this weekend, but it took a TON longer to do than I had anticipated.  There are 9 more surf boards on this one than on my husbands.  And yes, apparently, nine more is a LOT more ;D

We came home Saturday evening TOTALLY STUFFED and exhausted!  Good times were had by all :D


  1. The surf board quilt is awesome! I love the colors and prints you've chosen. The amount of quilting you get done is amazing and an inspiration :)

  2. Your jars are seeeewwwww cute! I feel so special to have inspired one of your projects :)


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