
Monday, July 23, 2012

Mario is FINISHED!

So, one of these blocks takes a good three hours to piece.  I hope to get Luigi done tomorrow and then from now on, I'll do the block for the week on Monday to keep from getting behind.  I'll to cut out all of the color when it comes up each week.  I have baggies of the 1.5" blocks in the colors that were in Mario.
Here of some fun pictures of the progression to Mario :)
Half of Mario

All of Mario one way.

the back underway

The front half way sewn.
Sweet Mario completed.
He is 18x18 of 1.5" blocks.
Oh the joy in my heart that he is sewn up!
I'm going to make Luigi facing the other direction :)
Angela over at is a block MASTER!  I am so happy she is doing this QAL!


  1. So fun to watch him take shape! I have Mario done and I'm working on a piranha plant (based on another quilt found in the Flickr group for the QAL), but I'll be falling way behind soon because of other sewing projects. I'm seeing squares in my sleep!

  2. Hi, I found you on the Plum and June link up. This block is brilliant can't wait to see the next one!

  3. he looks great! I'm so glad you have a plan laid out for future blocks. I need to do that. ;)

  4. This is fantastic!

  5. he is awesome my little boy would love him!! x

  6. My son would LOVE this!!! Thanks for the link to the QAL! I found you at Freshly Pieced :-) Mary Ann @

  7. Wow, just amazing!! I didn't realize it was a quilt when I glanced at the picture. Congrats!

  8. That is so cute! I definitely have some friends who would love a quilt with Mario on it. :)

  9. AWESOMEly cute! great job!

  10. Working with 1.5 inch pieces is challenging, but rewarding. Your block looks great!

  11. OMG... I'm going backwards as usual and saw Luigi first... so they're blocks, I'm stunned! That's a lot of work for one block, what have you got yourself into, Marion? :)))

  12. Oh how cool! What a lot of work, but such an awesome job.

  13. OH MY GOODNESS that is a lot of tiny squares. You rock!! Amazing job!


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