
Monday, October 1, 2012

I Know What I Am Going To-Do Today...

This past week was nice and relaxing :)  I mainly just stayed home and chilled out.  I had TWO jammie days :)  I have to say, that I really LOVE days where pj's are the attire called for!

Let's review the past week :)

Last Week's List
#1 Finish Aly's Bedroom Quilt - I pieced the top, added the borders and now it is basted and ready for quilting :)
See the cute curved safety pins? :)

#2 Finish Aly's Living Room Quilt-   I finished putting the top together, basted it and now it is in the process of being quilted :)

#3 Quilt top for Emily-  This baby is all cut out :)

***Bonus Finishes***
--- 2 quilt tops for Konda

 ---And two quilts bound for Konda.
---I also sewed the binding on a quilt for Emily.  It just needs to hand sewn to the back.  Here is a HORRIBLE picture. (the binding is all the way on the right)
---NOW for my FAVORITE bonus finish....
 These are for an undefined quilt that is yet to be designed :)
 Isn't this a cute pile?

This Week's List of FUN!!!
#1 Finish Aly's Living Room Quilt (for REALS this week)
#2 Finish Aly's Bedroom Quilt (for REALS on this one too)
#3 Finish a top for Konda
#4 Bind Emily's Quilt

Back Burner Purgatory... lol!!! ;)
Emily's quilt top
Weekender Bag
Chrisann's quilt (the AWESOME kindergarten teacher)
Will's birthday quilt (due December)
Mario Bros. QAL
Mandy's quilt
2 Twin Size applique quilts for my nieces
The April $29 girl quilt 
the May $29 quilt
the June $29 quilt
My bed quilt
Challenge quilt for next year's quilt show
"Letters to my Daughter" block of the month
July $29 Quilt
Modern Quilt Group HST triangle
Civil War Layer Cake quilt

So, what are you up to this week?  PLEASE share with me :)


  1. Those little bottle cap hexies are genius!

  2. Those hexies are adorable! Can't wait to see what they become! : )

  3. Just popped over from Lily's Quilts. I am learing hexies this week, any tips. ???

  4. Those hexies look so fun! I'm excited to see what you make.

  5. That was a nice & relaxing week and you got all that done? I'm impressed. I'm looking forward to a few days off from work to do some major sewing - finish up a few wips and start a couple new projects! I'm working on a stacked coin quilt for a non sewing friend at work! I've never made hexagons - maybe I'll have to give them a try.

  6. holy cow, those hexies are adorable!!!

  7. You're using some great fabrics! I especially love those first two projects!

  8. So many fun projects... I hope my next week goes like yours! Great job.

  9. What fabric is that in your bottle cap hexies? So cute - nice projects. Have a super weekend!!!

  10. Wow! You've been busy! Impressive bindings on those on-point squares! And those hexagons are adorable.

  11. You've got alot of goodness going on! Love the hexies! Thanks for linking up to wip Wednesday last week, where I had the pleasure of guest-hosting!


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