
Friday, October 5, 2012

Weekend Update

(YES, we are HUGE SNL Weekend Update fans!)

Update time:
Konda's quilt is finished :)  Emily's quilt is all bound :)  Aly's living room quilt is all quilted and waiting for binding.  Aly's bedroom quilt is about a quarter of the way quilted.

YES, the Quilt That Ate the World fits on my little machine for some fmq action.  The quilt is 119"x 97"  :)

...AND I STARTED ON THE Amy Butler WEEKENDER BAG with Annette!  ARGH!!  This is a bag to be reckoned with.

Now you may ask yourself, who is this Annette person?  Well, she is a lady I have known for a while through church, but recently we have become very good friends.  She is an accomplished musician.  She plays the organ and piano... and that is all I am aware of at the moment...but there are probably more instruments she can play!  I found out yesterday, while at her home, that she is an exquisite tole painter.  Her yard is OVER THE TOP out of this world BEAUTIFUL!  She knits, tats, weaves, embroiders and anything else you can imagine.  Her quilting is spectacular and I pretty much want to be her when I grow up!  She is also tremendously BRAVE!  She built a barn.  No really, she built a red barn in her backyard.  She rocks!

On Monday, Annette and I decided that we needed to have a sew day to get to work on our Amy Butler Weekender bags.  I had seen it HERE and HERE and just had to make one for myself.  (Next week, April, Konda and I are going to my moms to have another Weekender Bag sew day).

So here is what I got finished..

Large panel, pieced and quilted.

Other large panel.

Large Pocket

Other large pocket

Cool zig zag quilting on the large pocket.

Diagonal quilting.

Pocket on top of large panel.

Other pocket on top of other large panel.

Close up.

Other close up :)

Side pocket.

Other side pocket.

Annette and I both thought it was funny that there is a definition of the word "Simple" on this NOT simple project :)  Oh the sweet irony!

This bag will take two more sew days to finish.  Tomorrow my mom is coming over for a sew day.  I am going to be teaching her how to make a pinwheel quilt.  I was going to make one too, but I think I will just finish the quilting on Alyson's bedroom quilt.  I have got to get those two quilts off of my list! :)

Have a GREAT Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great project Marion! If you're interested there are tips about this bag here:
    (just found it 2 days ago on a blog, hope it helps with your finish)
    I'm jealous already :)) Great job, can't wait to see it finished!
    Your quilting looks gorgeous, as always :)


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