
Friday, December 28, 2012

Chrisann "The AWESOME Kindergarten Teacher's" Quilt

This quilt has been on my to-do list since last May when my baby graduated from kindergarten.

I've been crushing on hexies for a while, so hexies it is!

I saw this tutorial a while ago HERE.

The original tutorial calls for 1.5" strips and I used 3.5" strips.

I also didn't want to trim the side hexies.

I mixed a bit of cream and taupe for the neutral.

The design took me a minute to sort out.

The majority of the fabric is from "Secret Garden" by Sandi Henderson

Because of how wide I cut the strips I couldn't get quite enough equilateral triangles to make solid rings and centers like in the tutorial.

I like how the scrappy version turned out.

I am going to use this same pattern for my sisters baby quilt next month.

I will try a narrower strip... either 2.5" or 3"

For the quilting I did a wave pattern.

I used the yummy cuddle minky again.

No batting.

I wrapped the backing for the binding again too.

I had to experiment with the pinked edges and the binding.

It's not perfect, but I like it ;D

And yes, this is the same fabric I used for the Wolf's quilt blogged HERE.

Will be linking up with Amanda Jean over at Crazy Mom Quilts :)


  1. It looks awesome! I have also been eyeing the hexies lately but haven't made the leap!

  2. That pattern looks pretty intense! And really awesome,too! I thought you were going to take a break during Christmas vacation?

  3. Beautiful quilt! Fun pattern, fun fabrics. Great work.

  4. I saw this on flickr this morning and thought it was a beautiful quilt! Nice work!

  5. It is beautiful. I like how you left the sides - probably a little scary to bind? But turned out so great!

  6. Your quilt turned out super cute. I like that you made the strips bigger.

  7. I love yours! I am working one also. it is addicting.


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