
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Fabric Yummies!

For Christmas, my mom made weekender bags for all of her daughters and daughter in laws.

Since I already had MY OWN, she had to come up with something special for me :)

I think she did a mighty fine job!

There are three fat quarters and six half yard cuts.

I think these are going to get turned into a wedding quilt for my daughter who is getting married in April.

Did I mention that my oldest daughter got engaged the Saturday before Christmas????

My nine year old was the photographer :)

Calling family to share the good news.

Mike proposed at Salem Pond with all of the beautiful Christmas light twinkling in the back ground.

They have been dating since they were 16.

Yes, I am too young to have married children! ;)

They are both turning 21 in the next few weeks and I [think I] will be turning 44 the week after the wedding.  The very worst/strangest part is that there is the possibility that I could be a grandma next Christmas!

Maybe I should give them a 3 year supply of birth control for a wedding present ;D

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Congratulations to Anna! And to you! How totally weird that we have kids old enough to do something like this?!?!?! Good luck with all the preparations. ... let's just say, I'm glad I have four boys in a row.... : )

    And the fabric is gorgeous!!! Wow. They will make an awesome quilt.


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