
Friday, April 12, 2013

Special GIVEAWAY!!!

The Giveaway is closed.  The winners are posted HERE.

You may not know this, but I have an AWESOME dad!  He has always been my number one hero!  He can do ANYTHING!

Well, his latest adventure has just been published!  He wrote a cookbook just for guys :)  The cookbook TOTALLY rocks!  The recipes are yummy and easy to make.  ...and just in case you were wondering, it produces equally delicious meals for women too ;D

Now, I know that this book has little to do with fabric or quilting, but if we can get the men in our lives to cook more, WE CAN SEW MORE!!!  lol :)  ...maybe his next book should be on how to clean the kitchen after cooking ????  L!O!L!

Today, to celebrate the release of his new book, I am offering TWO copies of NO GIRLS ALLOWED!  NGA is the perfect Father's Day gift for the men in your life!

Here is how you can enter to win your very own copy:

#1 Become a follower of my blog (and leave a comment saying that you have or are a follower)
#2 LIKE the NGA FACEBOOK PAGE (and leave a comment saying that you have :)
#3 Share this giveaway on your blog or facebook (and leave a comment saying that you have :)

Three comments, three chances to win!

Good luck and may the odds ever be in your favor :)

I will choose a lucky winner on Tuesday, April 16th before I go to bed ;)

PS- NO GIRLS ALLOWED is available at Barns & Noble and and HERE  and HERE    and many other places :)

PPS- Please make sure I can get a hold of you :)  If you are a "no-reply" blogger, please include your email address in your comments :)  THANK YOU!!! xo

The Giveaway is closed.  The winners are posted HERE.


  1. Cool - looks like a fab book that I need to give to my husband so he can cook ME something for a change!!!! amycav at hotmail dot com

  2. I already follow you. Looking for to this book even if I don't win it. Anything that will keep me out of he kitchen is great.

  3. I liked the book on face book and shared a comment.

  4. liked on FB....such a cool idea

  5. I follow your blog! My man is a cook, he would love this as a gift!

  6. thanks for the chance! I'm a follower

  7. I am already a follower - thanks! This cook book look great and I would give it to my son who will be attending 2nd year at University but leasing a house with 4 other guys... someone's gonna have to cook!!

  8. I love to follow your blog!! Hope I win!!

  9. I liked the NGA Facebook page! Yippie!!

  10. Way to go Marion's Dad! Of course I follow you and would love my guy to cook more, even though to be honest, he does quite abit of the cooking now! 8~)

  11. I have been your follower. Looks like a great book.

  12. Yay! for new Book!! Hugs to your Dad!! Looks like a cooool book!!

    I'm already a Follower too! :)

  13. I did all 3!!! Love your blog have been reading it since last year, kept you saved in my favorites! LOVE your quilts, and you get SEW MUCH DONE!!!! I am impressed!!! I will tell my quilt guild ladies about the cookbook too, get those men cooking so we can sew more!! :)

  14. I follow you on Feedly :)

  15. I liked NGA on Facebook

  16. I have done all three, and even added Pinterest. My husband cooks once in awhile and even hand quilts my quilts for me. I know he would love the cookbook. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Following your blog, liked NG Allowed FB page and shared giveaway on FB. Thanks Emily

  18. I follow your blog

  19. I'm a fan on NGA facebook page.

  20. I have shared this on facebook.

  21. What a great cookbook :) I am definitely a follower of your blog! Someday I want to grow up and sew as much as you do.

  22. (how did I miss this post?) Hehe!!!! I think my Scott would enjoy this, as he's the sole man in a household with 4 women. :D

  23. Phineas and Ferb always say I know what we're going to do today!


  24. I am entering for the extra entry on where did "What Am I Going to Do Today" come from. I believe it comes from having so many projects that you do not know where to start. So you have to make a list of the ones you need to do the most, so you can get them done.


Thanks for leaving your thoughts! I LOVE to hear from you :) I cherish every word :) I read ALL of your comments and try to reply to every single one.... but it sometimes takes me a few days xoxo
***If I don't get back to you, it is likely that you are a "No Reply Blogger" :( ***