
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project order for the next two weeks...

#1 Bind Anna's quilt... at night while I pretend to be watching TV with the family :)
#2 Sew Ashley's quilt top, hopefully quilt and bind it.
#3 Quilt and bind Ford's quilt.
#4 Reagan's quilt
#5 modern quilt guild quilt top
This will get me caught up.  The backing for Ford's quilt should be here tomorrow.  I don't think I can get to his tomorrow at all.  I will plan on laying out Ashley's quilt while she is at school.  It will sew together pretty quickly.  Next week I need to do Reagan's quilt.  So I just need to have all of these quilts done by a week from next saturday, the 17th.  Oh wait, plus the modern quilting guild quilt top before Sat the 17th.  Ashley's quilt can actually get bumped again as her birthday is not until July :)  So lets look at this logistically...
Monday.... morning, cut binding and sew it on Anna's quilt.  Layout Ashley's quilt.  Afternoon, baste Fords quilt, nope, he'll be home and see it....  Ashley goes to work at 4 and I can sew on hers from 4-6.  I can baste Ford's tomorrow night after he goes to bed....  That is a full day and will require me getting up and on the elliptical early with chores and shower also EARLY!  I'm going to bed :) a minute
Tuesday- quilt Ford's quilt.  Possibly sew on binding depending on how well the quilting goes.  Note to self- I need to get Anna's quilt bound first, before Ford's.
Wednedsay & Thursday- I'll have to get everything done I can on these two days as my sil is coming to town Thursday.  I feel good about getting Ford and Anna's quilts finished and Ashley's top done.  I can work on the modern quilt guild quilt when the kids are around.  They can see that one all they want :)  Here is a link to the quilt guild quilt.

This is the quilt guild's example.
This is what I am going to do, from Crazy Mom Quilts.
I'll do black and white zig-zags with the
bricks on white.  I'll bind it with black and white
stripes and put pink minky on the back :)

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