
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Table Runner #2

I got home from my friends birthday party last night and just had to make me one too.  I didn't have anymore of the yellow fabric so I decided to cut into my Little Apples stash.  It was a bit scary, but I am SO happy with how it turned out.  I wasn't sure what to do for the binding but after much deliberation and an opinion here and there from the peanut gallery, I decided on this Half Moon Aqua Medallions print.  I fussy cut at bit here and there.  The boys love the little hedgehog, turtle and squirrel in the center of the blocks.
I still have a ton of Little Apples left.  I think I need another bag :)
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  1. OK, you said you do eat and sleep sometimes, but you didn't say anything about breathing or going to the bathroom..... so, those two things you apparently don't do, otherwise there's no way a regular human could sew so fast! ; ) You're amazing.

  2. MYRA!!! this saturday is the Broadbent's Modern Quilt Guild meeting :) You should come with me :) the session started last month but you could jump in. It would be SO much fun!!! It's just once a month in Lehi.
    ps- I do pee and breath :) I just REALLY don't want to clean my house :)

  3. Marion, I totally agree with Myra! How do You have time to make a bag AND a table runner in 1 day? It looks great by the way!

  4. I'm not sure. I am sitting on the sofa trying to keep myself from making something else today. I REALLY want to make some chocolate chip cookies with HUGE pecans in them... I should probably sew :) I also NEED to go grocery shopping (my LEAST favorite thing!). I am just avoiding reality today :) The purse was REALLY fast! (Like 90 minutes) I should probably take a nap. My hubby is off at the caucus meetings and I am hanging out with my little boys. That Costco bag of chocolate chips is calling to me!!!... I'd better get cutting :)

  5. no.. I take that back. I'd better clean up my mess so I can baste that zig zag quilt tonight :) Did I mention how much I HATE grocery shopping??? If I make some rolls, do you thing no one will notice that we are out of toilet paper?


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