
Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's my Birthday and I can cry if I want to!!!

Let me just say that today was a GREAT day!  Unfortunately, first thing this morning I was hit hard with a nasty migraine :p  I get them every once in a while, but usually just one and I can manage it ok.  Today I got a double whamy one.  I was feeling better and decided to try church when another one hit again.  I got out of the the car and went back in to sleep while the family was at church.  When they got home my brain was in some serious pain so I downed some Tylenol and Advil.  After about an hour, no relief, and no surprise really, I sent my daughter out to find me a diet pepsi.  I started to sip on that.  Slowly my head began to surrender.  I think the pepsi has a magic placebo affect.  Who cares ;)  Company started to show up and after about an hour of talking to them through wincing eyes, I actually started to feel better. :)
So, here is the recap of the exciting events for the day :)  First off the family made me crepes with whipping cream and strawberries and sausage on the side :)  YUMM!!  Head hurt, but I muscled through it.  Next was the attempt for church, which was a no go, so I took a 2 hour nap :D  Nap good!  When my baby brother arrived, he served me his AmAZINg flan with , you guessed it, strawberries and whipping cream :)  It was the perfect appetizer.  For dinner my hubby grilled bacon wrapped filet mignon :)  It was TASTY!!!  Oh yeah, there was salad and fruit too, but I was kinda hung up on the meat.  I LOVE meat!  For dessert, many of our neighbors came over to share in the cake extravaganza.  My hubbs bought red velvet, carrot and tuxedo cake from costco :)  SUPER good!  I had the tuxedo cake and was in heaven!
Now for the presents :)  I sure was spoiled today!  My hubby gave me a speaker system for my kindle so I can listen to music or books while sewing :)  My 17 year old gave me a wonderful card and a gift certificate to Rodizio's Brazilian restaurant :D  YUMMY!

 My 20 year old got me a "What Would Sue Do" Tee Shirt.  I LOVE SUE!!!
My friend Shanelle got me...
A pretty necklace, running socks and some yummy smelling hand sanitizer:)
My friend Suzy gave me YUMMY yarn :)
My SIL and bro, gave me a gift certificate to Gracie Lou's Quilt Shoppe!!! :()
My sister and my friend Jill are going to take me out to eat this week :) ..two separate trips!
My mom sent me cookies and these books :) ...and don't forget the fabric from yesterday :)

The note from mom.
My sons made me a BEAUTIFUL card :)
and finally, my friend Kim MADE me these AWESOME soaps :)

They smell SO yummy!
I am off to bed.  This silly headache is the kind that hiccoughs for days :(  I am so sad....  Maybe I will get lucky and it will be all better tomorrow ;)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shopping Saturday :D

My mom took me shopping for my birthday :)  She wanted to go clothes shopping, but I lured her to Broadbent's for FABRIC FUN!! :)  Here is what she bought me :)
I am SO excited!!!  I have been wanting to get these WONDERFUL Riley Blake Chevrons ever since I have seen them floating around blogland!  I don't know what I am going to do, but I'm sure I'll work it out ;D
Here is what my mom bought for a quilt for my sister...
Here is what I bought to add to the quilt for my dad...
It was great to spend the day with my mom.  After we were finished at Broadbents, we headed up to my parents for a nice afternoon together.  It was fun :)  I left all of the kiddos at home, so it was just me!
I did get a little knitting done today and a bit of pinning.
I'm going to sleep now.  I'm so tired!

Frenzy Friday, the sequel!

Well, I was right!  I did end up forgiving DH for abandoning me on his day off for a work meeting.  He took me to see Mirror Mirror, which was pretty good.  I liked it :)
So while he was off for work, I baked bread with my 6 year old.  He grinds the wheat for me and adds the flower as the KitchenAid WORKS it's magic :D  My cousins recipe that I use is HERE.  This time I added pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and some quinoa.  YUMMY!!!

For those of you with a keen eye for detail, yes, my son is wearing lederhosen.  He dressed up as Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater today for school.  They had a nursery rhyme picnic and got to act out a nursery rhyme.  He played the piano and sang the rhyme.  Yeah, we were pretty proud of him.  Our other boys wore a sign that read "Jack" and jumped over a candle stick, in their regular clothes.  My "current" 6 year old, had me help him go on line to find a picture of Peter so he could create a costume. Thank heavens he found a picture of a boy in lederhosen!  We have 4 pair of lederhosen in various sizes.  You've gotta love having a German MIL :)
Here is an old picture of my boys when they ALL fit into the lederhosen.  I am so glad we have pictures.  I tried to freeze my family right where they were about 4 years ago, but it didn't work and they just keep getting older :(
Well, lets get on with the story of the day.  While the bread was rising I hopped on the elliptical.  Now for some EXCITING news, the doctor wanted me to run a little bit today :)  He wanted me to run around my block, just under a 1/4 mile.  It felt SOOOOOO GOOD!  You may think that sounds crazy, but to make my body work that hard, even for a very short period of time, was exhilarating!  I didn't even know that I missed that feeling.  I came home hot, sweaty, totally out of breath, heart pounding out of my chest and nearly in tears because I had forgotten about the rush.  I miss that rush, I NEED that rush.   It's kind of like the exertion burns off all of the stress and "fuzz" that clouds my mind and body.  I know that you are now certain that I am bonkers, but I don't know how else to describe it.  Pretend that stress forms little strands of fine glass through out your whole body, layer upon layer, thicker and thicker :(  Running shatters it all, sending it flying out into the universe.   Ok, that does sound weird, sorry, I'll move on to the quilting now ;D
I was able to get the third batch of petal pieces sewn.  111 down, 129 to go!
They are so cute as a chain with all of the pins :)  I usually don't pin, let alone sew over my pins, but this project seems to demand it, so I am just relaxing and going with it.  I sew these pieces so slowly, that hitting a pin hasn't happened ....yet ;D  They are all pressed too :)
I also got some knitting it.  I am onto the heal of sock #2  :)
Saturday should be a relaxing day ;D  I am hoping to ellipt, run, shower, color my hair, finish off the sock for my birthday sunday and get at least one batch of petal pieces pinned, sewn and pressed!  My mom did mention that she wanted to take me shopping Saturday for my birthday.  We shall see if that happens too :)
xo to you all!  Have a WOnDERFUL weekend!
PS- I mentioned to my hubby that he should be pretty excited because he has an AWESOME wife that not only bakes and quilts, but knits now too!  ;D

Thursday, April 26, 2012

On the 2nd Day of MY Birthday...

Hold the presses!  I forgot to show y'all how my daughter responded to the boy who asked her to prom (how he asked her is shown HERE)....

There are many Swedish fish "floating" in the sea of jello :)
This bowl is full of blue Jello and a duct tape note in the bottom under the rocks.  His dad said his hand turned blue from all of the "fishing" around in the bowl.  So, she poured shredded paper ALL over his porch and then put the bowl and sign on top of it and door bell ditched the whole thing :)  We could hear him yell, "OH NO!!!"  as we drove out of sight ;D
So, for the 2nd day of my two week birthday celebration I kept on working on the retro flower quilt.  I sewed two batches of petal parts and pressed them.  They are SO cute!!!
I was able to start my 3rd batch of 37 petal pieces.  I think they are REALLY cute!
Here is what I have left to piece...
Oh, and ALL of the squares :)
I also started knitting my second sock, since one sock is kinda rough to wear ;D
 I have an addendum to a previous post.  I may have to finish my sisters quilt because I CANT stand not having it finished.  My hubby just informed me that he has a meeting tomorrow morning ON HIS DAY OFF about an hour away from our home.  I'm kinda grouchy about it so I may just quilt ALL day to spite him....not really, but that sounds like a good idea.  I'll probably be over it by the time he gets home at noon and wants to take me out on a date ;D
xo!  Happy Friday!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On the first day of my Birthday...

...I got up and ...well, I can't really remember... but I did get on the elliptical and have bowl of Cheerio's, half chocolate and half Dolce de leche.  It was pretty good ;)  Next I bought some clear gloss spray enamel and did something else that I can't remember.  Oh, I picked up my contacts, but not really.  They only ordered me another trial pair, instead of my year supply.  WEIRD!  Anyhoots, I had a 90 minute massage, HEAVEN!!!  I ate chicken nuggets for lunch :p  I need to bake bread tomorrow.
So as for my "do what ever I want because my birthday is coming up,"  I finished cutting out the Retro Flower quilt...
all clumped up...

all in neat piles ;D
 Now here is the million dollar question, what should I do with the AWESOME scraps???
The scraps all piled up.

One scrap all on it's own.
I've got a huge pile of these scraps.  I may do a raw edge applique.  Who knows!
Next I had to sew up one of the petals to make sure that it would work :)
Isn't is cute?  I REALLY like the grey.  It is symbolic to me and I'll share why another day when it's not 11pm and my sheets are still not on my bed because I forgot to put them in the dryer :(
I followed the suggestion for the qal and pinned as many pieces as I had pins for.  It is 37 ;)

I will chain piece these tomorrow, then pin some more and then chain piece, then pin, piece, pin piece.... until all 240 are done :)  This quilt is going to take me a WHILE :)  Oh goodie, another challenge to my adhd!  (I really don't have adhd, I am just a little bonkers) :D

PS- I am linking this post up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict WHOOP WhOOP!!
and Crazy Mom Quilts finish it up Friday!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"It's gonna be my birthday and I can do what I want to!"

I officially decided that because my birthday is coming up, I CAN DO WHAT EVER I WANT all this week and next week too. Now that doesn't mean ALL of the time, just when it comes to sewing :)  I think it's the best birthday present I could give myself... except for the 90 minute massage I am getting tomorrow... ;D
Now for what happened today... I was SO bummed this morning when my 8 year old woke up sick and had to stay home from school.  :(:::::.......  You may say to yourself, "what a sweet mom, so sad her son is sick."  Well, the truth of the matter is that I was SO bummed because I had to miss my quilt guild meeting :(  It just made me SO sad.  Although I was seriously distraught, it was fun to snuggle on the sofa with my sweet boy and knit on my sock and cut out my birthday quilt.  (I have put the two quilt tops that I had slated for quilting this week on the back burner for my "two weeks of selfish birthday quilting" plan.)  Here is what I did today, your not going to believe it....
  Yes, this is my first sock :) I FINISHED KNITTING SOMETHING!!!!  It is half of my AWESOME birthday present to myself!  It fits perfectly and is going to keep me SO warm and toasty!
Now, I got a lot of my Retro Flower quilt cut out.  I also put Omni-Grip on all of my rulers that needed it.
Lastly, I picked up my $29 quilts from Morganson's.  They are SUPER cute and I can't wait to cut into them!  Once again, Becky has done a FANTASTIC job with her fabric choices and quilt design.  Here are her examples...
The "girl" one.
The "boy" one.
Here are the fabrics...

The bottom fabric in each of the piles is matching minky for the backing.  The moose quilt is going to be for my 8 year old son.  He is going to LOVE it!  The "girl" one is going to go into my "present" pile.  I think I know who I am going to give it to, but I'm not sure yet.
ps- I did clean my sewing area.  It was such a HUGE mess after all of my impromptu zippered pouches.  I can't sew when it is messy.  Now it's all ready for me to MESS up tomorrow!  YIPPEE!!!

PPS- I am linking this post up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict WHOOP WhOOP!!
and Crazy Mom Quilts finish it up Friday!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Laundry, Bags and MORE Laundry

I didnt do ANY laundry last week so I needed to do some serious repenting today!  I got it mostly all finished and put away :D  Yeah me!  That may be my most dramatic finish in a LONG while!
Anyhoots, I made a vinyl front pouch for my nephew's birthday yesterday.  I filled it with nothing less than Swedish fish :)

I'm not sure he liked it, but my boys did ;D
Today I made a pouch for a friends birthday.

She wasn't home, so I'll have to give it later.
After the kiddo's got home from school I went over to my neighbors house and learned how to do the heal on my sock :)
This yarn is TOO cute!!  I  am excited to finish it :)
Tomorrow is the Payson Quilt Guild meeting!  I am going to cut out the rest of my Retro Flower quilt and hopefully start pinning it up for sewing :)  I want to give it to myself for my birthday along with a pair of DARLING socks ;D  I am such a clever girl!!
Have a good night!  I am off to sleep....

PS- I am linking this post up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict WHOOP WhOOP!!
and Crazy Mom Quilts finish it up Friday!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I LOVE Saturday :)

To start off, THANK YOU Annie!  for having me as a guest blogger on your blog today :)  That was SUPER cool!  If you didn't get a chance to see it, HERE is the link ;D  Annie is the sweetest lady and I am glad that we met at the Broadbent's Modern Quilt group meetings :)  She even hooked me up with FIVE fat quarters out of the goodness of her own heart :)  Here they are....

I am going to use these for my dad's quilt.  I am getting brave enough to make the quilt with the cheddar sashing that I have fallen in love with!

Now for what I sewed today.  I wasn't going to sew anything, but then my 17 year old twisted my arm until I  cried "UNCLE" and made her this...

Naturally, I had to make another one for my 15 year old too....


..I'm just that kind of a mom ;D
I did do a bit a knitting so far and hope to be able to stay awake to kit this evening.  I need to baste Corrine's quilt, but I just don't feel like it tonight.  Some very stressful things are going on at hubbies work and I just feel like vegging in front of the tv.  I may not even knit!  Sacrilege!
I don't know what I am going to do when my daffodils and tulips are gone :(

PS- I am linking this post up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict WHOOP WhOOP!!
and Crazy Mom Quilts finish it up Friday!!!