
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nidia's Quilt of Many Colors

My sweet dear friend, Nidia Corzo,{Corzo's Digital Memories}
 very graciously took our daughters bridal photographs out of the kindness of her dear heart.

They turned out AH-Mazing!!!!

I had to do something for her as a thank you! ...not enough, I know!

This quilt was an inherited UFO from April over at

She had inherited the fabric from Emily Herrick and had made the center several years ago. 

I added the borders and quilted and finished it for Nidia. 

The wonderful thing about Nidia is that she is the most cheerful and bright loving person I know. The colors reflect her vibrant personality. 

I will forever be grateful for her friendship and generosity!


  1. Beauty all around! The photos really capture the joy and radiance of the day. Your quilt is more special than money and would last longer as a gift that shows how much you appreciate the talents of Nidia. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment.

  2. wow! Beautiful photos! And a great trade, I think.

  3. Gorgeous photos, beautiful quilt. I love the temple and I love the bright colors of the quilt.


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