
About Me

Hi!  I am Marion and I am addicted to quilting!!  (Is there a 12 step for quilters?)

I started quilting January 18th, 2012 (read more below).  At the end of May 2015, I bought a Gammill Optimum!   As of this date (January 2016), I have longarm quilted over 130 quilts!  (I am an "all in" kind girl ;))

I would LOVE to quilt for you!

Why I named the blog My Quilt Diet, you ask?
This blog chronicles all of the crazy things I do to keep myself from diving into the pantry and devouring 8,000 calories in under 5 minutes flat!  I have found over time, that having a hobby really helps me battle stress (a BIG problem for me) and boredom. Now, before you can ask, "How can a woman with six children be bored?" happens to the best of us.  It turns out that housework and laundry just don't lure me away from the cookies like playing with pretty fabric :) So read on to see what in the world I get myself into.

I started quilting in mid January 2012 because my sweet hubby had to have surgery again and we were housebound for a long while.  Quilting has be a wonderful thing for me.

You can watch my progress in (nearly) real time on Instagram HERE.  I am @MyQuiltDiet.

On a more personal note, I am married to my high school sweetheart.  We've been married since 1990.  We've got 6 beautiful children, 3 girls, 3 boys and two wonderful grandchildren.  My husband and I both grew up in the Bay Area in California.  We come from large families and our parents made it look so fun we thought we'd do the same :)   Life is always an adventure around here and that is the way we like it! Oh, I am a stay at home mom, a job I'd always wanted, but was SUPER surprised at how challenging it can be ;D

I like quilting better than housework so I have rules about quilting.
#1 I have to do my chores before I can quilt!
#2 I have to shower and be dressed...real clothes, no jammies.
#3 I have to know what I am fixing for dinner.
So far they are working... the laundry still seems to get out of hand no matter what I do... but it's always been that way ;D

(PS- I break these rules a lot!)

Read more about me and my quilting story HERE.

The Grand Babies 2014 (they aren't twins, cousins born 5 days apart)






  1. Nice to "meet" you! I had to chuckle because I am a WW member as well and for me, too, theoretically quilting should distract me from eating... and it does... but BLOGGING is still possible with a cookie in my mouth, unfortunately:). I found your blog through the Get Acquainted Monday at Plum and June. I look forward to following your blog!

    1. Nice to meet you too :) So true! I can eat while blogging as well :( We need to come up with a face mask to prevent unauthorized consumption ;)

  2. Hi Marion - I popped over from your pinwheels post on Quiltstory. Great family portrait - you are doing so well to be a mum to so many different ages. I am about to dive in and see your finished projects because I like your quilty blog background. Cheers, Fiona (ooo I am hosting 'Get Acquanited on the 26th of July)

  3. Oh, way to go! Your list of rules are really perfect...and realistic! I am a new follower of your blog. Quilting has been my passion for some time, but you have truly impressed me with what you have accomplished already just this year!

  4. Marion... are you not leading WW anymore? My friend and I went to your old blog (Melting Marion) and that's how we found this new blog. I quilt, too, but I don't blog very well. I am behind posting several quilts on my site...

    For a beginning quilter, you sure have done a lot already.

  5. No, sadly I resigned from ww last year due to family needing my 100% attention. I'm so glad you found your way over here :)

  6. Wow I admire you,I'm a mom of two just two for now lol.My daughter is 5 and my son is 20 months.I homeschool them and also an Army wife.I love to sew but time seems to be so restricted and every time that I want to sew my children want to play with my glad to meet you and read your blog,God bless your family!

  7. What a cute family you have! We'll have to get together soon. I'm glad Heather pointed me to your blog. Oh and I've done WW off and on a lot thru the years ... that's awesome that you are/were big into it.
    I love the rules you have. But the jammies one ... that's tough!! Sometimes I feel like I lose a full hour or more of quality sewing time if I choose to shower during precious nap time! ;)

  8. That is a fabulous family picture! What a beautiful family!

  9. Love this family pix, and glad to meet you and hang out in the free-sew area

  10. Just came across your blog thru crazy mom quilts link up. As a mom of a soon to be 30 year old daughter, married.... and twin sons who are 25. I am all but an empty nester, one of my boys is back home, a soft place to land for a bit. Therefore I can sew any time I want...yeah right. I too have self inposed expectations, rules, much like yours...showered, dressed, chores done, know what I'm fixing for dinner, etc. I'm still working on all this because I was a stay at home mom until 17 years ago when I became a single mom and had to work full time. I pretty put my love on sewing on the back burner while raising my children. For years I worked and sewed when I had time. My job in healthcare was eliminated in August of 2014, and while I am looking for work I am sewing and quilting. The week after I lost my job a VERY dear friend "gave" me a Gammill long arm quilter and I have been working with that wonderful tool. I would love to be able to quilt for a living and am working towards that goal. I too feel that quilting is my "diet" since I've lost 36 pounds this past year. You really can't eat chocolate while handling fabrics. Plus quilting is a great destresser. I am enjoying your blog....Lisa

  11. :) You have the best "About Me" ever! I love your rules and I think I'll probably have them in mind from time to time as I'm (hopefully not) breaking #3.

  12. I love your rules! But do I really have to get dressed before quilting? lol
    Best rule ever!!
    I follow you on IG -I'm The Embroidery Lady - love following you!

  13. I just came across you on IG and had to check out your blog. I feel a kindred spirit with most quilters but your tag line was inspired! I read your rules of quilting and think I need to adapt some of my own. I'm currently not working outside my home, but I was an elementary school teacher once upon a time. I love to sew especially anything quilty. I don't have the luxury of owning a longarm machine, so I'm teaching myself the art of FMQ on my domestic. I spend most days reflecting on life and trying to get motivated.

    That is why I love IG! Thankful for all the amazing quilters out there! Thank you for sharing about your family life. It's great to see other quilters at home. I look forward to getting to know you via your blog. Feel free to add me on IG @liflongteacher No...I'm not currently teaching as a profession, but I am blessed to get to teach my grandsons how to sew. And, our oldest daughter comes over and plays in my sewing studio at times. I lead a Charmed life!

  14. I just came across you on IG and had to check out your blog. I feel a kindred spirit with most quilters but your tag line was inspired! I read your rules of quilting and think I need to adapt some of my own. I'm currently not working outside my home, but I was an elementary school teacher once upon a time. I love to sew especially anything quilty. I don't have the luxury of owning a longarm machine, so I'm teaching myself the art of FMQ on my domestic. I spend most days reflecting on life and trying to get motivated.

    That is why I love IG! Thankful for all the amazing quilters out there! Thank you for sharing about your family life. It's great to see other quilters at home. I look forward to getting to know you via your blog. Feel free to add me on IG @liflongteacher No...I'm not currently teaching as a profession, but I am blessed to get to teach my grandsons how to sew. And, our oldest daughter comes over and plays in my sewing studio at times. I lead a Charmed life!

  15. Just saw your instagram post of your quilt at Corn Wagon. Beautiful work! Gammill quilting in South Jordan


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