
Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday Madness....

Here is what I did today....
I cut out my 8" squares for Broadbents Modern Quilt Group exchange on Saturday :) ...#6 on my this weeks  TO DO list :)  Ha cha! ( I forgot to take a picture of them :(
I started on my Granny Squares :)  ...#1 on my hit list for this week!
First I cut out the fabric :)

Next I sewed the strips together as prescribed by the tutorial over at I'maAGingerMonkey.

Aren't they pretty stripes?
Next I chopped them all up....mooo wahaa... (that is my evil laugh ;)

...and put them into pretty piles :)

...and then started sewing them back up :)

...into this pretty pile of granny squares :)

Isn't this fun?  I should have them all finished before lunch tomorrow :)  Maybe even before breakfast if I can't sleep!  ...more evil laughing that I don't know how to spell!!!


  1. They look fabulous! Thanks for pointing me to the I see that granny squares are much easier than I thought. : ) I'm so glad to know they don't have to be sewn with little itsy bitsy squares. Awesome!

  2. What pretty fabrics you're using for your Granny Squares! They actually remind me of the fabrics in a Dresden Plate quilt I inherited from my grandmother. Thanks for showing the "easy" way to make these blocks -- I need to work on my FMQ skills so I'm on the lookout for relatively easy patchwork designs that I can make up quickly and get to the quilting ASAP!


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