
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIP Wednesday with a little finish :)

So I really did get those Granny Squares finished before lunch today :)

I am very happy to have them off of my list.  #1 GONE, finito! ;)  Now, this one is still a WIP, as I need to make something with them after the swap next Monday :)  But what to do?  Hmmmmmm...  
Here are the links to other ladies in our swap Kristin, Pamela and April (these aren't April's actual swap squares...)
 I think I am going to make my mom's table runner out of granny squares.  They are SO cute!!!

On to what else I did today :)  I made the pillow cases for the troubled teenage girls.  I signed up to help Danny over at Mommy For Reals.  I made these guys (and a HUGE mess) this afternoon and I even mailed them off to Danny in Arizona!  #2 DONE!!!
Super soft cozy chenille for the front.  ALL of my kids love chenille, so hopefully one of the girls at this camp will too :)

I LOVE this back fabric.  I can't wait to do something with it!!! ..well, something for me with it!  (I've got  3.5 yards left....)

The center fabric is tightly stipple quilted.

The top ended up being TOO SMALL, so I added the accent purple border to get it up to  the 20" requested size.  I like the little snap of color ;)

This is a very soft pastel purple with little flowers.

These pillow cases are 20" square.  HUGE!  I was able to use my stash for the whole project so that is a major bonus :)

My hubby just surprised me by coming home early, so I am going to chat with him :)  Have a GREAT day!!!

.....So, I just got back from a hot date with my husband before he had to head out to meet with our church youth groups tonight :)  FUN!!  We went for chinese food.  I got my favorite garlic snow peas!  They ROCK!!!

Any hoots, I was down loading all of my pictures to Picasa and found that my boys had been taking LOTS of unauthorized pictures... Here is my favorite...

These pictures are of the front and back of a quilt I made for him when I was pregnant with him 9 years ago. How funny is that, that he did a quilt photo shoot, just like his mama ;D  lol  This quilt is a rag quilt with vintage cowboy fabric.  I still LOVE this quilt!!!

Now for the REALLY funny photos.  My boys are NOT allowed to play with my yoga ball....

Pretty hilarious!  BUSTED!

Here are some Skylanders, posing next to my AWESOME table runner :)

...a picture of me filling out my quilt show forms last week... daughter eating lunch...

She'd be SO happy I shared these.  He also took some of her back side, that I am leaving out for her sake ;D

I am linking up with Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday AND...

I am going to be linking this up with Elizabeth and SHOW OFF FRIDAY over at a Pieceful Life :), Sew & Tell Friday with AmyLouWho and Sarah over at The Fabric Addict for CAN I GET A WHOOP WHOOP???

June Finishes


  1. I'm loving those granny squares!
    What fun pictures of your children!

  2. Your granny squares are so pretty!

    And I love those pillowcases! Fun colors, great fabrics, all stitched up with love. What a nice finish. Thanks for linking up!

    xo -E


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