
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Bloggers Quilt Festival Rainbow Fishes

WELCOME to my blog :)  I am SO happy you have stopped by for a visit!

I am a new quilter and have gone a bit bonkers with quilting over the past 9 months.  You can read about my quilting beginnings HERE.

I am so excited to be participating in the Fall Bloggers Quilt Festival!!  Whoo Hoo!!!  I am entry #258.  If you like what you see, I'd LOVE your vote :)
Check out the Festivities and vote HERE

I have had such a hard time trying to figure out what to say about this quilt.... (it's late, I am tired and for some strange reason, I am out of words!) lol (if you know me, I am almost never short on words)

So, on with the quilts story..... At my mqg we received 75 different 6" squares to make a hst quilt.   I surfed the internet looking for what I'd like to do with them.  I fell in love with Red Pepper Quilts HST Overload quilt.  I had my heart set on making mine just like hers when my sweet hubby lost his job and I needed to make due with my cute little stash :\  No worries!  I had a pile of AWESOME green that would not only make due, but turned out pretty FANTASTIC! ;D 

I used THIS method for making my hst's.  It's the BEST!! :)
Super EASY and no trimming!  Oh the joy's of bias.

The back is a piece of fabric ended up with in an odd sort of way.  My sil got it out of her grandmothers home after she died :(  It is WAY old, but it totally works!  Happy day :D

Now for the reason I call this Rainbow Fishes!  Can you see the fishes?  I always thought the blocks looked like fish, but my visions were confirmed when my 11 year old son walked in the room and exclaimed, "HEY MOM!  THOSE ARE COOL FISH!!!"  
My other children now all concede that they look like angel fish :)  Score one for the mom!

NOW, here is the deal about the layout.  I was thinking that the blocks should be laid out randomly, but the thought came to me that I should arrange them by color.... but how.  I tend to try rows and stripes, but no, I didn't like that.  That is when this "round the quilt" color wheel came to be.  If you will start at the top right of the quilt and move around clockwise (or counter clockwise) you will see that the colors change and blend into the next color on the color wheel. :)   Yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, red, orange and back to yellow.

In order to make this quilt square, I had to add 6 more blocks.  The original 75 did not include red, do I added the red to give me the full(ish) spectrum! :)  In my additions I accidentally added a duplicate print :(  Can you find it?

I bound it in the same green after auditioning many different fabrics.  The green binding just disappears and lets the rainbow shine :)

Here are the quilts stats:
62" square
Quilted my me and my cute little Pfaff and it's AWESOME squeaky walking foot ;D
HST's using THIS method
Best Categories:  home machine quilted quilt, ROYGBIV (color wheel) quilt, throw quilt


  1. Wow it looks amazing, I love the green, it really makes the other colours pop.

  2. Gorgeous. I love the colors. well done.

    1. Hi Nadine! Thank you so much for your kind words :)

  3. people who make HST quilts amaze me...i hate sewing those things...lovely quilt

    1. Doesn't it feel great when you're able to use what you already have with such stunning results!!

    2. Sherry- Thanks and hst's aren't too bad the way I make them. Some quilters say I cheat... I say, who cares if the finished product turns out exactly the same! xo

  4. It's beautiful! Love the arrangement!

  5. Interesting choice to use green as the blender..most people stick to white, which is what makes the final result more stunning.

  6. I love the green background. And I love when economy forces us to be more creative and awesome things like this quilt happen. Great work, it's a stunning quilt!

    1. Thank you Falling :) I am so happy you stopped by!

  7. This quilt is amazing! I just love it, I've always wanted to make one in this pattern, and that green background is SO good!

  8. Your fish quilt is AWESOME! And I LOVE your blog! Hugs!

  9. Such a lovely quilt! I love the green. Fabulous!

  10. I love your quilt, it is so full of colour! And I see the fish too.

    1. Thank you, Leanne! I am SO happy you can see the fish!!

  11. I think you did a fantastic job. I am a new quilter also, but I don't think I am as good as you, and I too can see the fish.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanenne! You are so sweet :) Isn't quilting the BEST!!

  12. Wow! I love the the green it look great!! Nice job!! I also found your duplicate fabric or I thing so, was it the orange that has square's on it?

    1. Thanks ELLA! ..ella, ella, ella.. YES!!! YOU ARE SO SMART!! It is the orange with the little square things :) You win... what you win, I don't know! But you are a winner for sure :) xo

  13. I love this! Especially all of the beautiful different fabrics that you used!

  14. LOVE the way you have laid out the colours!

  15. What a gorgeous quilt and lovely pics

  16. WOW Marion! My visual learning eyes have been set a-tingling! I made my first quilt a couple months ago for my *gasp* first grandbaby (!) I wanted to start a "grandma tradition". It was just machine quilting, but it all counts! I absolutely LOVE the multi-color color wheel quilt, good job!!! Being a creator is very satisfying, no? Love ya! Karen (via FB)

  17. I love this quilt, it's so colourful! I think the nicest ones are often made using just the fabric you have available. xx

  18. It looks great with the twist of using green as your "neutral".

  19. You have a wonderful eye for colour Marion - this is a stunner. So nicely done.

  20. I love it - another one to add to my growing to do list!

  21. Wow, this is one of my favorite quilts EVER!!! I love the green as a "neutral" and that you used it for the binding too. Your circular rainbow is brilliant as well. I love everything about this quilt!!! Must vote for it to win one of the prizes in BQF - but which category suits it best?

  22. Your quilt is wonderful! Love, love, love the green with your brights and the layout is perfect. Great work!

  23. Great triangles quilt ! Awesome colors

  24. Amazing! Love it and the green fabric was a great choice! Hope your husband finds a new great job soon (I did 5 months ago after nearly a year unemployed).

  25. Its stunning! Your green really worked wonders!

  26. I was scrolling though and admiring all the quilts in the festival and yours caught my eye! Love it by the way! Not to mention you have some great photos too!

  27. What a beautiful quilt and such an accomplishment! I'm going to check out your HST method =)

  28. This is seriously wonderful! I am so excited to see it at our November meeting, you will bring it won't you? Love seeing what all you wonderful women are doing with our 75 + squares. Makes me want to get a few more packs....:)

  29. Love the fish. You've accomplished so much. I can't believe you only started in January.

  30. The green made the quilt even look better. Of course, green is my favorite color. Fantastic job!

  31. Love how the green works with all the bright colours. What a great quilt!

  32. I love this quilt! Love all the HST's, and your "color wheel" setting is just inspired! I think your green "neutral" works very well! A fun quilt!

  33. I really like the green background. That is such a fun quilt.

  34. That green is a terrific 'neutral' that really makes all the colours pop!

  35. Great quilt! Love HSTs and the green background is a nice touch.

  36. It turned out great! Love all those colors!

  37. Marion- you truly truly inspire me! Your quilt is AMAZING! I love your talent! Your color choices are beautiful... The green makes all the colors pop so perfectly! You have my vote!

    Lisa Lott


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