
Friday, October 26, 2012

Weekender Part Deux is Fini!

Oh yeah, baby!  You read that correctly!!

Ashley's Weekender is all done :)   It is going to be her present for Christmas.   With my husband unemployed, we are trying for a homemade Christmas :D

Can you see the "A" for Ashley?
The Sleeping Beauty fabric is especially for my sweet Ash.  Ash isn't one of those teenagers who sleeps in all day, but she does go to bed with the chickens when ever she can get away with it ;D

If you will notice the Eiffel Tower and other cool French looking ladies....they came from my mom's Weekender bag she made last week.  I am really liking adding a few personal touches like this to my bags.

Here are the shots of the interior.

Say, Ahhhhh!

This is the long divided  interior pocket.

Actually, the interior is not hand sewn in yet :(  I have to wait until after the election to recycle a campaign sign for the bottom.  That plastic corrugated cardboard they use works AWESOME for bag bottoms.  ....and it's free!!!

My friend, Annette the Magnificent, is going to embroider a tag with Ashley's name on it for me.  I may have her embroider it directly into the lining of the bag.  Ash will be taking this bag to college with her.  I'd be SO sad if it went missing!!! :(

This bag took me considerably less time to make than the first one.  The first bag took almost 26 hours to make.  This bag took about 15 hours, with still some hand stitching time still to be added in.

NOTE:  Trimming the batting to a generous 1/2 inch smaller made a HUGE difference in putting the bag together!  Also, when I sewed the front and back panels to the zipper/bottom/ring thing, I pinned and sewed with the zipper/bottom/ring thing facing up/on top.  I felt like the bag was much more manageable to sew around.  I also used my piping foot for this step.  My piping came out beautifully.  I only had to resew about a 1.5" section where some fabric got twisted and a raw edge poked it's way out :\

Weekender Prime is blogged HERE.


  1. It looks great! I'll have to check out your first one.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer :) It feels so good to have it finished :)

  2. gorgeous. I am wishing I was on your Christmas list! :o)

    1. Thank you :) I hope my daughter thinks the same!

  3. Looks lovely! A pocket like that scares me, but oh-so-handy! I'm sure she'll love it!

    1. Thank you :) The pocket is super easy... seriously. I used this tutorial
      You can do it :)

  4. Such a cute bag! I am waiting for supplies to make one and I am a little nervous about how it is going to turn out! Thanks for including the link to the inner pocket tutorial!

    1. Hi Taryn! Your bag will be AWESOME! :) Just remember to cut the peltex (if your doing a whole fabric one) or the batting (if you are piecing it) AT LEAST a 1/2 inch smaller if not closer to 3/4" smaller. It REALLY helps when you are trying to get those seams together nicely :)

  5. Great finish..and a great Christmas present! I have seen so many of these bags..they look wonderful, but I haven't tried one! You did a great job on it.

  6. Nice job! Seeing all these Weekender posts makes me want to make one.

    1. Thank you, Kristan! You should make one :) it would be awesome!!!

  7. Wow, this is awesome! Very nice. I have made a few duffle bags, and now I'm wondering if I would be able to tackle something like this... It sounds rather difficult. Any words of wisdom?

    1. Hi Karen! Yes, my advise is just go for it :) Don't think too much about it! I want to make a duffle bag! Was that hard?

  8. Hip hip hooray! Super awesome fantastic job!

    I'm always saying we need to have a "Little House on the Prairie" Christmas - homemade everything. I'm trying to make something for everyone, even if it's just a little something. I don't have teenagers to sew for yet, so I can get away with stuffed animals and library bags!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Jennie! Thank you so much!!! I loved little house on the prairie!!!! That is exactly what we are going to call this Christmas!!! I can see the wrapped stuffed animals now!
      Ps - I am not sure how I attached sara's reply to your post :( I must need sleep ;) xo

  9. I just went back and read your first post too! Great tip about the election signage and also great encouragement that I can do this. I'm pretty experienced with bags, but this one still scares me. I truly need to devote a weekend to it. You have one lucky daughter. What a special gift. I would LOVE that as a Christmas gift!

    1. Sara - you can do it :) The hardest part for me was reading the pattern. Once I understood it, the bag wasn't bad... just time :) A weekend is perfect... just know that it's pretty much two full days if you are piecing the panels :) ...but piecing is SO worth it!!!

  10. You are the BOSS! That is so awesome you've made two now! And they are so great looking! You are a pro!

  11. I love your bag. The fabrics are awesome. Well done.

  12. She has a great mom. I try to give my kids homemade gifts also. Great job. Bags is something that I have a hard time doing.

    1. Aww... you are so kind :) Bags are fun, this one is bit tricky ;D

  13. Whoa 15 hours!! Does that include the QAYG on the panels?
    I don't know if I will dare a second bag, but mine took me quite a long time to make!
    It looks great and she is a lucky girl to take that to college!

  14. This is just lovely! So cool that it's for your daughter and so personalized! You go girl for making TWO weekenders!!


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