Friday, March 6, 2015

Baby Kainoa's Grandma Karen Quilt

My good friend Chrisann is having a baby any time here.

It is her fourth son, and they are VERY excited!

This sweet baby is a long time coming!

I have been making memory quilts for Chrisann and her dad and siblings from her mother, Karen's clothes.

Karen passed away a few years ago from Multiple Myeloma.

You can see all of the quilts HERE.

Chrisann's little boy will be named Kainoa.

That means, strength of the ocean.

I thought wave quilting would be perfect :)

I used the same clothing for Kainoa's quilt as I used for his moms.

This quilt came together over night, literally!

I started working on this at 7:30 pm.

The neighbors showed up at 8:30 pm for a visit. (It was such a fun surprise!!)

At 10:30 pm I resumed working on it until midnight.

I laid in bed awake until 3:18 am, decided to get up and shower and then work on the quilt.  At 5:18 am (I find irony in the time), I got back into bed and slept until 9 am.  I bound and labeled the quilt from 9:30-11 am...and made it to the baby shower just in time ;)

The backing is made from Grandma Karen's bathrobe.  So soft!

The quilt is 40"x40" 


  1. So sweet! How do you pronounce Kainoa? It just so happens that the names Kai and Noah are both on our short list for our baby coming in two months...

  2. Wonderful post!! I loved reading it and looking at the sweet quilt pictures. =)


  3. You ARE amazing!! What a perfect memory quilt in all sense of the word.


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