Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Fibs & Fables Clam Bake


This Clam Bake pattern (by the talented Emily Herrick) has been on my "to make" list from the very beginning of my quilting journey. 


I have always loved the classic design of the clam shells. 


Emily's method and shell size was exactly what I was looking for!


It was also perfect for highlighting the fabrics in Anna Maria Horner's Fibs and Fables fabric collection. 


Of course I had to throw in some Heavy Metal gold fabric (By JACK!E) to give the quilt the bling I love so much!


For the quilting, I went with several different quilting motifs. 


I find it challenging to fill spaces with the perfect quilting. 


I seek inspiration from all over quilting-dom 🤓


I am so happy with how this quilt turned out. 


Funny story. 


When my mom saw this quilt she told me it was a "work of art" and needed to be hung up. 

(Isn't she sweet? ...wait for it)


I told her that I had no wall space in my home. 


She immediately began to search my home for a wall. 


Suddenly she stopped and said, "I know the perfect spot!"


"Where?"  I said, assuming she had discovered some previously undiscovered wall. 


"In Grandmother's bedroom!" She replied. 


I then reminded her, "Grandmother's bedroom is in YOUR house!"


My mother smiled and said, "Well, yes..." 😂😂😂


Sneaky broad!


My sweet angel mother did spring for the perfect backing for me. 😍😍😘😘

Helios in Incense

I LOVE it!!  Thanks, Mom!


Isn't quilting the best hobby EVER?!


(How about that Riley Blake gold stripe binding? 😍😍😎)



  1. Wow, your clamshell is sensational, so engaging, just lovely!

  2. your mom totally cracked me up!!! so - is it on Grandmother's bedroom wall?? :-)
    (beautiful quilt and gorgeous quilting!)
    still chuckling ~ Tracy

  3. Sneaky or not - your Mum loves it!!! Great quilting too.

  4. It is gorgeous! I aspire to get that good one day

  5. One of your photos popped up in my Pinterest feed today and I fell in love with it. I, too, have been wanting to make a Clam Shell quilt but haven't mustered up the courage to do so. Your quilt is just lovely with all those fabrics and quilting!

  6. I decided to take that journey and make my first Clam Shell Quilt with the vintage Asian print fabrics that I luckily found on marketplace this past week. I thought the 8" Clam Shell would be a good choice, than saw your quilt. Can you share as to the size template you selected?


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