Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday fun in Mapleton at my uncle's ranch. This is my oldest and my youngest on the sweet mule. My 8 year old spent most of his time buzzing us on the 4-wheeler. :) ...I chatted and ATE! We got together because my cousin and his family are headed to Bangkok on a 4 year adventure :)

My sweet 8 year old on his first horse back ride.


  1. I've been enjoying your recent posts! Your kids look like they are having fun! Love your granny blocks and those cupcakes look so tempting!

  2. Hi! I'm confessing that I've just spent several hours enjoying your blog posts and seeing your quilt projects. I'm a crazy fabric-holic and quilt maker too. I'm amazed that you are able to carve out so much time to sew with your busy life. Also how on earth are you able to buy so many yummy fabrics and still pay the bills? ;-) I've bookmarked your blog and I can't wait to see what you are doing next.

    1. You are so sweet :) I am totally obsessed and quilt every second I can :) for the moo lah.,.. I've figured out how to keep sewing and not have to pay for the fabric ;) Quite a few of my siblings are wanting quilts so I make them and they buy all of the supplies :) They get an awesome quilt and I get to feed my obsession. :) We also have an amazing quilt shop in town that offers a mystery quilt of the month for only $29!!! I also use scraps like crazy :) ....Hobby Lobby coupons..... sales at online fabric stores... my mothers fabric stash :) own stash :)


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